Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hair removing cream on lip?

Will this make the hair grow back darker and thicker as ive put it on my tiny white hairs that get clogged up in my foundation.Hair removing cream on lip?
Better to get ur tash waxed...may hurt a bit at the time but it will remove all hairs from the root - not just the surface like hair removing creams do. And should last alot longer too.


xxHair removing cream on lip?
no the whole point of it is that it dissolves hair at the root, so they should come back just the same as they were

i would really recommend waxing or electrolysis if you can afford it as that is the only way to make the hair finer and less noticeable over time.

hope that helps.
hair removing cream only takes the hair off from the surface. therefore just like shaving.

look at mens faces.

wax!!!!!!! much better result.

hurts the first couple of times but gets better and so worth it.
i tried hair removing cream on my upper lip..... but... eekk... noonono.. not a good idea.... firstly.. it stings.. and secondly.. its just like shaving.. and shaving will give you thicker and darker hair... wax... better results
The hair comes back darker and thicker.

I do use the hair removing cream but if you leave on too long it can burn your skin.

For special occasions, I go to a threading salon.
It shows the same effect like shaving. Wax is always better!
Nope, but next time try waxing.
it shouldn't but u will have to do it every six weeks or so..........
You have a hair lip?

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