Sunday, December 13, 2009

Rash/burn from using hair removal/depilatory cream above lip?

after i used this hair removal product above my lip, a brownish rash appeared on the upper left area and its pretty noticable. ive thoroughly cleansed the area with water and had frozen tea bags over my entire lip area, and applied neosporin to it and it only stings slightly. when i applied the cream the area may have been very slightly red from the sun, but im sure it wasnt burned enough to have been effected by the cream. and i looked back at the box and there was no information on what to do-im assuming the burn will fade in a few days and i dont plan on going anywhere public, but i would like to know a little more about what may happen to the area. for all of you skin dermatologists and beauticians, please help!Rash/burn from using hair removal/depilatory cream above lip?
a little chemical burn perhaps? Some neosporin....Rash/burn from using hair removal/depilatory cream above lip?
put on vaseline

then ice the area

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